1) Your money is not their money! You've probably spent most of your adult life, working yourself to the bone to acquire your material possessions, your house and your lifestyle. And what is it exactly that your teenager has done, at the ripe old age of 14, done to deserve a brand new BMW or a new winter wardrobe full of labels at that age, you could only dream of? Nothing is the answer. Showering your children with opulent gifts teaches them that the world is a giving place, and that they deserve everything, without ever having to put a stitch of work in.
2) Learn to say NO! Look, no parent wants to be the bad guy, but you just can't give them everything. Kids need goals, make them set them, and than reward when they achieve them. I'm not talking about a 13 year old making their bed every day, that's not challenging enough. Encourage your kids to show initiative and seriously challenge themselves, because if they don't learn it at home, they're guaranteed to fall flat on their face in the real world.
3) Give of yourself, and your children will follow! The main issue parents face today, is the fact that they are raising self-indulgent brats who give little or nothing of themselves. It's not just about being charitable, it's about teaching your children that they are fortunate only because they were born into it, and it is their responsibility as a human being, to work towards ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities. If you volunteer with an organization, bring your children with you. Start young, and as they come into adolescence, you'll have better adjusted teens, who are more aware of the world around them, and better understand the consequences of their negative actions on those around them!
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